Let’s Find the Point You Want to Reach Together

Hello and welcome to CloudPoint Consulting! We are a full service Salesforce and project management consulting firm, specializing in business process optimization. Our industry experience spans over ten years supporting multiple clients from sectors including government, non-profit, education, and real estate. For staffing needs, we have resources available to support both management and technical roles. We help businesses utilize various Salesforce technologies including Marketing Cloud, Tableau, Einstein Analytics, Social Studio, and Sales and Service Cloud.

Learning and working with complex IT systems can be challenging. Let us work with you to make your business processes match your Salesforce system. At CloudPoint our goal is to understand how technology can be in service to your business, not the other way around.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is the industry leading, cloud based CRM (customer relationship management) software. It brings all of your data together, from any source, and delivers personalized experiences for you, your employees, your customers and clients.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Massey Emergency Management

“Excellent service and great knowledge of the product. Cloudpoint Consulting really took the time to go over all the system changes we needed.”

Real Estate Management Services

“I cannot stress enough what an asset Cloudpoint Consulting was for us…As a small business owner, I have to wear many different hats, and fortunately for me, Levar wore the Salesforce hat and built us a platform that is both easy to use and clear.”

Our Approach

Our services center around Salesforce implementation, where we guide clients through each aspect of incorporating Salesforce into their business and provide detailed information on the business impact. Each phase of the project we support is heavily documented and our solutions are scalable to the client's needs. We provide an iterative project management approach, and continuous system administrative support and integration services for multiple technologies.

The goal at CloudPoint is to become entrenched in the operations at each of its clients and develop a deep understanding of the business so that the technology that’s installed is used to improve operations, as opposed to forcing unnecessary tools where they’re not needed.

What We Provide

  • Industry Experience

    - Non-Profit

    - Government

    - Healthcare

    - Building Management and Real Estate

    - Airport Authorities

  • Specialization in Business Process Improvement

    - Detailed documentation of current sate and suggestions on new direction

    - White glove project management approach

    - System administrative support continuously available

  • Full Project Lifecycle Support

    - Implementation direction provided in every phase from requirements gathering to change management and software releases

    - Software development support available for complex code based solutions

    - Staffing support is available to provide resources for both management and technical roles